Access Rider Training LTD

Motorcycle Training

Terms, Conditions and Complaints.

Update February 2024

Terms and Conditions.

  1. Access Rider Training Ltd. The Contract

These terms and conditions

All motorcycle training courses are operated by Access Rider Training Ltd referred to in this contract as ’We’. The ‘Trainee’ referred to as ‘You’ is the person confirmed on the course confirmation email.  ‘Force majeure’ is any situation beyond the control of Access Rider Training, which can be, but is not limited to, war, terrorist activity, natural disaster, civil medical emergency (covid or similar), civil strife, adverse weather or road conditions, fire, bureaucratic obstacles, and changes in schedules by the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (‘DVSA’).

We reserve the right to decline any booking at our discretion.  The Trainee may be required to sign a copy of the terms and conditions, but they will be sent to you upon booking a training course and by continuing the booking process and attending the course you are agreeing to these Terms and Conditions whether a copy has been signed or not, we cannot be held responsible for the failure of any pupil to read them or comply with them. Before the road element of any training course, you will be asked to sign a waiver form declaring you are happy to proceed with the road element of the training.

Variation of the terms of this contract is only valid if done so in writing and signed by both the Trainee and a Director of Access Rider Training Ltd.  The contract and all matters arising from it are subject to English law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.  In the event that any of the provisions of this contract shall be determined by any Court to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable to any extent then such provision shall to that extent be severed from the remaining provisions of the contract, which shall continue to be valid and enforceable.

2.       Payment

a)       We require full payment in advance on booking to secure your requested dates. Until payment is received your course dates will not be confirmed and these dates will be made available to other Trainees. You can pay by cash, credit or debit card, or make an electronic bank transfer. There are no charges for these services unless a business or company card is used in which case there may be an additional fee.

b)       What is included in your payment?

  • Direct Access tuition is based on a maximum 2:1 pupil to instructor ratio, unless exceptional circumstances apply and only where by law, we can teach a larger ratio.
  • CBT tuition may be 2:1, 3:1 or 4:1 for classroom and off-road pad work but will only be 2:1 for road tuition as this is the maximum allowed by law.
  • For all Direct Access and CBT Training courses, motorcycle hire is included in your price;
  • As is Petrol;
  • CBT certificate where CBT course is completed (there is no guarantee of completion in 1 day and extra tuition may be required and there will be a charge for this);
  • DVSA theory literature for Direct Access courses;
  • For Individual Training, tuition is on a 1:1 basis, there may be an added cost depending on the course being provided, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
  • We may be able to Loan Rider Equipment but this is at our discretion. A high visibility vest is required and will be provided for all courses
  • Although fully comprehensive insurance for all courses is provided; at the discretion of Access Rider Training there will be a charge for any damage to any hire motorcycle, if you have disregarded the instructions given to you by the instructor and the damage caused to the vehicle or a third-party vehicle has resulted from your actions or negligence. To this end instructor’s bikes are fitted with DVR systems and by agreeing to these T&C’s you agree to be filmed during your training and footage will be used as proof of any incident, you will be required to pay a policy excess of £400 for any incident that involves a claim against our insurance.

c)       Personal accident insurance is not included in the cost of a course and you may wish to consult your own insurance broker.

d)       The DVSA motorcycle test fee is included; but any re-tests will be chargeable separately with any vehicle/instructor hire needed to take the re-test.

3.       If you wish to cancel or to transfer a course

Should you wish to cancel or postpone your course:

a)       If cancellation is made with more than 28 days notice before the commencement of the course, the amount you have already paid will be returned to you but there may be a handling fee of 15%. (14 days for CBT)

b)       If you cancel your course with less than 28 days’ notice and more than 14 days’ notice, then you will receive a 50% refund of your full course price paid. (More than 7 days for CBT)

c)       If you cancel your course with less than 14 days’ notice, then you will not receive any refund, irrespective of personal circumstances. (More than 7 days for CBT)

d)       Provided you give us more than 14 days’ notice, you may transfer your booking to another time, you may be subject to a 15% handling fee.  No changes are permitted with less than 14 days’ notice and no refund will be made, irrespective of personal circumstances. Only one transfer is allowable for a booking. (More than 7 days for CBT)

e)       During your course, if you are unable to continue with your training, for whatever reason, then no refund of the course cost is given.

4.       If we cancel or transfer a course

a)       In certain circumstances, We may have to postpone your course in full or part.  In such a situation, We will re-arrange your course and DVSA test date (if applicable) at a mutually agreed time.

b)       Should We cancel your course in full or part with less than 15 days’ notice, then we will refund the price of your course, unless the cancellation is due to the DVSA cancelling the DVSA practical test date (see section 5) or any other force majeure.

5.       DVSA (Driving Vehicle Standards Agency) Motorcycle Tests

a)       We pre-book test dates with the DVSA in advance and courses are arranged to fit in with the tests that are booked. This means trainings are on specific days for specific tests and the trainee needs to fit in with these arrangements.

b)       However, you must be aware that on rare occasions the DVSA has to cancel tests due to the unavailability of examiners, industrial action or poor weather conditions, even where they have previously given a written confirmation of the test date.  We have absolutely no control over such actions by the DVSA.

c)       We will make every effort on your behalf to re-arrange your training in order to fit an alternative test date, but cannot be responsible for the inconvenience caused to you by the actions of the DVSA. Should you require additional training due to the change of test date by the DVSA, We reserve the right to charge you for this.

6.       Your Safety and Responsibilities

a)       Statistics show that motorcycle riding, by its very nature, involves a high degree of risk that can lead to personal injury or death.  When booking a course or a lesson, pupils must accept these attendant risks and hazards.

b)       You are responsible for always acting in accordance with the directions and advice given to you by your instructor during your training sessions.  You are also responsible for making sure that you are adequately dressed and protected for motorcycle riding.

c)       You are obliged to inform us of any physical or medical condition or otherwise that could adversely affect safety or training.

d)       You must bring your UK driving licence with you for all your training.  It is your responsibility to ensure that your UK driving licence is valid and in your possession for training.  Should your licence not be valid or you do not bring it to the course, then you will not be able to take the course and you are not entitled to a refund.

e)       If you have booked a Direct Access Course in very close proximity to your CBT and subsequently not complete said CBT, this may mean we cannot fill the DAS space at short notice.  In such a situation, your instructor will explain the alternatives to you.  Certain options may mean additional training or extra DVSA test costs to you and are subject to instructor availability, which is not guaranteed.  No refund will be made if you are not able to complete your CBT or Direct Access Course.

f)       We reserve the right to cancel any tuition should there be a suspicion that the trainee is under the influence of drink or drugs or if the trainee is not legal to ride on the road (e.g., you fail an eye test).  We also reserve the right to stop tuition at any time when the Trainee is not safe on the road and is not acting in accordance with instructions.  No refund of fees will be made in such a situation.

g)       If you are supplying your own motorcycle to train on, it is your responsibility to ensure that it meets with all legal requirements for being on the road. You must provide proof of Tax, insurance and MOT (where applicable) and your bike will be inspected to ensure it is roadworthy.  Should you arrive for training on a machine that is not legal; your instructor will not be able to conduct any on-road training. (For example, your number plate does not meet legal requirements, missing L plates, unroadworthy etc). In such a scenario there may not be a bike available for you to train on, your fee will not be refundable and you will be required to re-book and pay for any additional lessons. If a bike is available, you will be required to pay any discount you may have received to bring the cost of training up to that of a full CBT.

h)        If you incur any penalties or fines whilst riding Access Rider Training vehicles, due to your manner of riding on the road, these will be charged directly to you.

j)       Threatening behaviour. Any threatening behaviour whether physical or verbal will result

in an immediate termination of your training. No appeal will be accepted and the decision

of your instructor will in all cases be final and no refund will be given.

k)       If you are late for training, your instructor will continue with the scheduled session to meet other pupil’s training requirements. You may be able to join the session but this is entirely at your instructor’s discretion. You will not be reimbursed for training where you arrived late.

7.       Our Responsibilities

a)       For Direct Access and CBT courses, we will provide you with practical motorcycle training in accordance with the DVSA approved training standards.  

b)       For all courses, where you have hired an Access Rider Training vehicle, we will provide you with a vehicle that is compliant with all legal requirements in England & Wales and is roadworthy.  We will try and meet your preference for model of bike for bike hire, but do not guarantee this. We will provide a geared machine where requested, but reserve the right to move you to an automatic machine for safety reasons. This will be determined by your instructor.

c)       For CBT and Direct Access Training courses, we do not provide any guarantee that you will pass your test.  If you fail your Module 1 test, you may not be able to take your Module 2 test and you will forfeit your Module 2 test fee.  Should you fail either your Module 1 or your Module 2 test, the costs of any additional training, the DVSA test fees and any travel or subsistence costs are your responsibility.

8.       Liability

a)       Although every effort is made to ensure your safety during your course, you must realistically accept that there is a possibility that an accident may occur that causes loss, damage, expense, personal injury or death to you.  Unless shown to be negligent, your instructor and Access Rider Training is not liable to you for any expenses, loss, damage, personal injury or death as a result of any accident that may occur.

b)       Our liability is limited to any damage caused to the Pupil by our failure to perform the contract or by our improper performance of the contract unless the failure or improper performance was the fault of the Pupil or any other third party or was due to unusual or unforeseeable circumstances which could not have been avoided, and this liability is limited to the price paid for the training course.

Complaints Policy Example

Everyone at Access Rider Training wants you to get the most out of your programme, and to have an enjoyable learning experience. We utilise your feedback, positive or negative, to improve our services and processes for the benefit of all our customers.

In the regrettable event you feel you haven’t received the best treatment from any member of staff, you have the right to make an official complaint and to have this dealt with professionally and speedily. Access Rider Training will take into account its duty to promote equality and diversity throughout this process.

We would hope any issues you have can be resolved informally by talking in the first case with your instructor or if you feel uncomfortable with this, or doing this does not bring about a resolution that you are satisfied with, then a Company Director will consider the circumstances surrounding your complaint and progress it as necessary.

All staff dealing with complaints, where appropriate, will seek guidance and advice from other internal and external sources in order to reach a mutually satisfactory resolution. However, any information supplied by you will remain confidential for use only as part of the complaints process, only staff directly involved with the complaint and any subsequent investigation will be given access to the details. The identity of all parties will be protected and anonymous complaints will not be accepted.

Access Rider Training staff will not tolerate at any stage being physically or verbally abused during any complaint. In the event of this occurring, we reserve the right to communicate with you only through legal channels at your expense.
Any written communication must be addressed to our office

Access Rider Training Ltd, Braybrooks Yard, Main Road, Stickney, Lincolnshire, PE22 8AY or by email to                 

If you raise a complaint, Access Rider Training will:

  1. Acknowledge receipt of your complaint by letter or email.
  2. Tell you who will be dealing with your complaint
  3. Tell you what action will be taken
  4. Tell you when you can expect a resolution
  5. Keep you informed of the advances being made with your case

Step 1: We acknowledge there are two sides to every dispute therefore both parties will be given the opportunity to substantiate their version of the issue/incident. Full disclosure of any allegations or evidence will be made to both parties.

Step 2: All complaints will be recorded on a customer complaint log. The log will be closely monitored by the Directors throughout the process until a satisfactory resolution can be achieved.

Step 3: Any party involved in a meeting concerning the complaint has the right to be accompanied and represented by a person of his or her choice at every relevant stage of the procedure. Access Rider Training staff have the right to be accompanied by a Director or other representative.

Step 4: Where a complaint cannot be dealt with by a member of staff, it will be escalated to a director.

Step 5: You will be given the results in writing of any investigations as soon as possible after any conclusions have been reached.

Please speak to a member of our Training Team if you have any questions or require clarification on any part of this policy.

If you have any questions or wish to book a motorcycle training course please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Call: 07785 918765

Fill out the form below

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    Access Rider Training Unit 1 Braybrooks Yard Main Road Stickney Boston PE22 8AY